Friday, 6 March 2009

Shoot 3

Our next filming shoot was on Thursday 5th. Today’s filming wasn't as successful as I had hoped, as all though we was very organized in booking out equipment and all though our first shots were ok, due to the timing our later shots soon began to get very dark and couldn't be used. On the other hand we did manage to find a better new location as suggesting in my shoot 2 analysis.

We needed to find a more wooded area that had many more trees and woodland, so instead of shooting out footage in the small wooded area near Georgia's house we decided to relocate and film in Black Park instead. Before we started filming we also took photos of this new location to add to our blogs. We started shooting at a slightly earlier time for this shoot and started filming at 5 just as it was getting dark in order to get better lighting conditions in our film.

However it took us quite a while to film these shots and as a group we changed our mind about some shots so re-did these also as well as adding new shots and before we new it, it started getting dark making the lighting conditions very bad which means that some of theses shots are being rescheduled to be redone. Even though we worked well as a team and discussed these new ideas well which was very good, consequently this also had a down side as it slowed us down and delayed time a lot. From this experience we have definitely learnt that timing is vital when filming.

In order to sort this problem with the lighting, will have decided to re-schedule a shoot during the middle of the day when there is constant light and use Adobe After Effects to make the footage darker.

Overall even though one group member could not attend this shooting session, i still feel that the rest of the group members worked very well as a team and communicated well especially when it came to making decisions and changing shot ideas.

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